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She moved against me, delectable breasts up opposite my chest region while I stroked her body, her booty. Through her upper garment, I could sense the zest of her urge. She groaned into the kiss. I crushed her butt end, moving her closer. She whimpered louder as my thigh massaged her mound.
I can detect her fingers on my manhood, unfastening my fly plus issuing most of the pressure from my boner. I set off my hands into the material of her upper outfit, pushing her blouse up to comfortably spot her pink buds. “Mmm that feels great...” she gasped in air whilst I squeezed her tits.
Moments later, she sat on top of me, her slacks cast off, my shirt unlaced. We both panted while she rocked against my pulsating tool, not really directing me into her. I arched forward to taste her throat, making my way down to her bare bosoms. Fingers stiffened on my shoulder, in my tresses, while I started to kiss her.
“Do not stop,” she sighed, bringing herself up somewhat. Finally, my dick slipped into her snug 'portal', her internal walls clenching me like another hand as she took me inside. I yelped in a loud voice, one hand resting on her waist to draw her even closer. She guffawed a little bit as she distanced just a little only to set out swaying to and fro.
After a while, I couldn't take it any more. I shifted carefully to make sure that she was below me, and began to press, hiding myself deeply in her. Our meows of excitement mingled in the air. Between her grasping and ungrasping, and also the pulsating of my member, I suspected our summit was inevitable.
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